[PAID] [ESX] Air Drop System


Hello, today I want to show you my drop system.

Script description
It is an extensive, optimized and synchronized airdrop system written in the style of a script from 2018 (which could not be attributed to these three features :p). In the config, we can set the time (or several hours) at which the boxes are to be dropped. Below you will find the settings for each drop (which can be as many as you want), in which you can set the coordinates, minimum and maximum height, time to open the box, a list of items that the drop can contain (including the min. and max. amount of each of them), min. and the max amount of different items in the drop and at the end, whether items can be duplicated in the drop (e.g. can we get water in different amounts more than once).

Script preview

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Babicz Drop
Code is accessible Only configuration files (if you want open-source - contact me in dm)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~700
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

wow very similiar to [Release] Crate Drop :heart_eyes:
keep up good copying work!

lmao did you read the description?

nah I cant read (illiterate)