[PAID]💳 EBT Cards Script | Dynyx Scripts [QBCORE]

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  • Requires ox_inventory & QBCore
  • Highly Configurative
  • Interactive Application Process: Players apply with detailed forms, including reasons and residency verification.
  • Approval/Denial System: Applications can be accepted or denied, adding realism.
  • Cooldown Periods: Configurable waiting time before reapplying for a new card also being stored in SQL.
  • Customizable Balances: EBT card balances tailored to your server’s needs.
  • Realistic Purchases: Players can use EBT cards at shops, with automatic balance updates.
  • Insufficient Funds Notification: Players are alerted when their balance is too low for a purchase.
  • Discord Logging: Automatic logs for approvals, denials, and transactions sent to Discord.
  • Admin Controls: Easily issue via admin commands.
  • Much More Features
Config = {}

-- Default 1 week
Config.CooldownTillNextEBT = 10080 -- (Minutes) This is Stored in the SQL so if the players logs off this timer will keep going. This is how long until the player can get approved for another EBT card. 

-- Max & Min EBT Balance that a player can apply for.
Config.MaxApply = 4000
Config.MinApply = 50

Config.Webhook = false
Config.Webhook = "Put_Your_WebHook_Here" --  For Discord Logs

Config.GovernmentPed = "csb_tomcasino" --  Ped Name
Config.GovernmentPedCoords = vector4(-544.8433, -204.5809, 37.2151, 211.2208) -- Ped Coords
Config.Blip = true -- Display Blip on Ped

Strings = {
    SelectPayCash = "Cash",
    SelectPayEBT = "EBT Card",
    PaymentType = "Payment Type",
    PaymentTypeDesc = "Please select either Cash or EBT",
    GovServicesTitle = "Government Services",
    GoveServicesPedTargetLabel = "Government Services",
    ContextTitle = "Apply For A EBT Card",
    ContextDesc = "Put an Application",
    DialogTitle = "EBT Application",

    -- Labels for EBT Application Form
    SliderLabel = "How much are you seeking to receive on your EBT Card? ($)",

-- Rest of the strings --


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements QBCore, Ox_inventory, ox_lib
Support Yes

Other Resources:
Oxy Run
Most Advance & Unique Drug Selling System
Mining Script
Money Wash Script
Black Market Script

Please update your post to remove references to “open source”, as this is misleading. Consider using the word “source” instead; for example: “the client source is editable, while the server is escrowed”.

Thank you!

Fixed it, Thank you

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