[PAID] East Customs Clothing Male/Female

Hi ! :wave:

This is my clothing pack for East-Customs mechanical center. (see : https://youtu.be/4hULCvO1Vwc)
I made these for a mechanic job purpose, but you can use them as you want.
It’s my first post on the forum so let me know what you think about the clothing, I will take notes…

Preview :

Link to purchase : https://cn-store.tebex.io/package/5352972

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support No

I paid for the clothes but they arent working because they are dlc could they be switched to regular clothes lines instead of dlc

Hey !
Thanks for the purchase, this is an addon & ready to install pack of clothing.
So the clothes are added at the end of the list (just tested them), are you asking for a “replace” installation ?

Have a great day !

can we edit the clothes or is escrowed?