[Paid] DS-Goldpanner (QBR-Core)

DS-Goldpanner (QBR-Core Edition)

DS-Goldpanner is a goldpanning script for QBR-Core. This script is customizable through the config file in many different ways.

You can set up whatever items you want to use for gold panning.

You can configure which bodies of water are going to be pannable, and what items your players may get from those areas while panning.

Set your notification type and time to display the notification.

Set up the time it takes for panning before the player finds and item.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 407 total lines of code
Requirements qbr-core
Support Yes

Cool resource! Any chance of converting to run on RedmRP framework?

I can eventually. Might not be for a bit since i do dev work for a fivem server now.