[PAID] Bear Advanced Duty System


Bear Duty is an advanced, feature-rich system designed for tracking the duty status of in-game departments and organizations, commonly used in roleplay servers.

Benefits and Features

Basic Commands:

  • /bdrefresh: Force refresh your bear duty permissions.

  • /bdfrefresh: Force refresh someones bear duty permissions.

  • /duty: Toggle duty status on or off, select your department, and set your callsign.

  • /kickoffduty: Allows supervisors to remove players from duty when necessary. Supervisors can also ban players from going on-duty up to 1 week. (Ban can be wiped by running /kickoffduty id 0, bans do not save and are limited to resource runtime.)

  • /units: Display a list of all players currently on duty and summary of all online departments.

  • /dutytime: Check the duration of your current session.

  • /uchat: Communicate privately with other on-duty players.

Additional Features:

  • Feature rich API: Exposed developer API’s & Documentation to use Bear Duty with your own scripts such as Checking Duty Status, Duty Event’s, etc.

  • Locale: Locale support. English translation provided & used by default.

  • Map Blips: Display the locations of other on-duty players, with options to restrict visibility extensively. Extensive customizability such as Blip Color, Blip Type, who can see it, Blip tag, etc.

  • Unlimited Departments: Support for any number of departments, gangs, and organizations.

  • Discord Integration: Use discord webhooks to log completed shifts.

  • ACE Permissions Integration: Automatically grant/revoke ace permissions based on Duty status for specific departments.

  • Database Integration: Web API support for external website to view logs. * Works via JSON Payload with Bearer Authorization token.

  • Custom ped support: Set certain departments to automatically morph into a custom-ped. Useful for Community Officers! (This feature can be disabled on config for specific departments.)

  • Any Department: Any department support, with extensive permissions to restrict any department from certain departments.

  • Discord Rich Permissions: Extensive permission system to require all roles or a one role from your discord.

  • Logs Restriction: Restrict certain departments from having logs.

  • Callsign Regex Validation: If enabled, you can validate callsigns to abide by a regex pattern.

  • Updates: Free access to any and all updates.


Purchase on Tebex for $14.99


  • Download, install, and configure the dependacies & their dependacies.

  • Drag bear_duty into FiveM Resource folder.

  • Edit BEARE (locale) if required in bear_duty/modules/shared_locale for translation & command edits.

  • Go to bear_duty/modules/shared_config.lua and bear_duty/modules/sconfig.lua to configure. If you are stuck/confused ask for help in our discord.

  • Edit server.cfg to grant permissions to bear_duty to assign & remove ace permissions.

add_ace resource.bear_duty command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.bear_duty command.remove_principal allow
  • Now it’s installed!

Rich Developer API



Check Duty Status



-- return boolean

Get Duty Time


exports["bear_duty"]:GetDutyTime(source, formated: boolean (optional))

-- return number | string

Get On Duty Status & Department



-- return duty_status: boolean, department: string

Get Tracked Data



-- return array | boolean

Clockin player


exports["bear_duty"]:Clockin(source, callsign, department)

-- return boolean

Clockout player



-- return boolean

Get Department Data



-- return array | boolean

Can access department


exports["bear_duty"]:CanAccessDepartment(source, department)

-- return boolean


On Duty Status Change


AddEventHandler("bearduty_rich:DUTY_STATUS_CHANGE", function(source, isOnDuty, trackData)

-- Code here will be executed once the event is triggered.


Duty webhook-save JSON payload

    "user": {
        "discord_id": 0,
        "discord_name": "John Doe",
        "discord_avatar": "DISCORD CDN URL",
        "department": "SASP",
        "fivem_server_id": 1

    "on_duty": true,

    "duty_time_start_unix": 0,
    "duty_time_end_unix": 0,
    "duty_time_seconds": 0

Duty track data

    OnDuty = false,
    Callsign = "NONE",
    Department = "NONE",
    BlipGroup = "NONE",
    DutyTime = 0,
    DutyBan = 0,
    ClockedInAt = 0,
    Permissions = {},
    Discord = {
			avatar = string
			username = string
			id = string | number
Code is accessible No (FiveM Asset Escrow)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1,342
ox_lib (GitHub - overextended/ox_lib: A FiveM resource and script library for Lua and JS.)
RAMPAGE_Discord_API (GitHub - RAMPAGELLC/RAMPAGE_Discord_API: Discord API Module for FiveM, based on Badger's Discord API.)
Support Yes (support@rampagestudios.org)

Version 1.0.1 and Version 1.0.2 have been released

Additionally the price has been indefinitely lowered from $29.99 → $14.99 :fire:.

1.0.2 Change Log

+ ACE Permissions Integration: Automatically grant/revoke ace permissions based on Duty status for specific departments.
+ Bug fixes

1.0.1 Change Log

+ Additional locale configuration for commands
+ Bug fixes