Hello, I want to present to you my hud script.


Tebex: Click Here (Price is only 4€ + tax)

Features :

  • Basic needs display
  • Job display
  • /hud command that turns off hud and turns on
  • When pressed ESC hud turns off
  • When talking megaphone turning to other color(you can set your color in javascript file)

| Code is accessible | Yes
| Subscription-based | No
| Lines (approximately) | Client side 100 Server side 7 + UI
| Requirements | ESX

Other resources:


Good looking, like :slight_smile:

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Seems like an edit of [PAID] DB-HUD modern FiveM hud

I was taking an idea from that hud but no.

Only english allowed in forum

Not simetric boxes with map and seems like copied from other creator.

When i activate the script me Screen comes gray… Pls help

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It looks like Svarbeuse Dariti whitelisted server hud