"PΛ had stopped working"

I will double click FiveReborn.exe and everything will start to load normally but the the error “PΛ has stopped working”

i have a Similar Problem [Window Title]

Crash ID: ecf3764d-ec9e-4489-9cdb-17f1aa7577b6

Mine got fixed by going to steam then gta right click - properties - local files - verify

I’ve tried it Already. Still not Working

it could be the server plugin(s)…

I deleted it and tried to reinstall it to see if that would fix it but now it just wont reinstall

I have the crash. It gives different Crash IDs every time. Some examples:

Crash ID: a1724d5a-48d0-4ffa-9a14-ea79fe3db2c8
Crash ID: 37de99b0-10d3-4467-8281-58a03d916055
Crash ID: 935f8198-6027-4c76-a58c-f737b7744c9b

Verifying game cache didn’t help for me. Reinstalling FiveReborn didn’t help either.

It only crashes when I have steam running.

Mine just crashes all the time

Fixed it by opting out of steam beta (Steam -> Settings -> Account)

Worked for me thanks!

Any anti-virus running like AVG, Windows Defender, etc.?