"OX Base" Server Template / txAdmin Recipe

does that mean I can just use any ESX script, even it’s setup for MySQL-Async?

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yes, you can also just easily swap out the mysql-async in the fxmanifest for


When I start my server ( localhost ), it doesn’t show any errors, but I can’t connect to the server

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There’s no need to swap out the import anymore since oxmysql provides mysql-async, so long as there is not mysql-async folder it will work out of the box

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i know, more of just keeping things clean :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello here !

None of my jobs can be changed through the cloakroom. What should I do?

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You will have to work that out. This is just a base set of resources to get you going. It’s not a put up and go type thing.

How can I fix the phone size? Stucked with only 3/4 of it and can’t click inside the phone as I don’t have a 1080p resolution.

**Found it at the Zoom settings…

However what money system is being used in the framework?

I got everything working but the qtarget. Anyone have any ideas?

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What is the Recipe of the Template?

Love it, and very stable for me. And again, FREE.


hey thanks for this nice base but do you know why this is happening for everyone even local peds leaving this trails

unrelated to this base, not sure what it is though

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I get those erros

[ script:oxmysql] Error: Unable to establish a connection to the database! [ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR]
[ script:oxmysql] Access denied for user USERNAME@‘MYPUBLICIP’ (using password: YES)

[ script:oxmysql] SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled): Error: esx_addonaccount was unable to execute a query!
[ script:oxmysql] Access denied for user ‘USERNAME’@‘MYPUBLICIP’ (using password: YES)
[ script:oxmysql] SELECT * FROM addon_inventory []
[ script:oxmysql] > query_default (@oxmysql/dist/server/build.js:16103)
[ script:oxmysql] > processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96)

[ script:oxmysql] SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled): Error: esx_multicharacter was unable to execute a query!
[ script:oxmysql] Access denied for user ‘USERNAME’@‘MYPUBLICIP’ (using password: YES)
[ script:oxmysql] > query_default (@oxmysql/dist/server/build.js:16103)
[ script:oxmysql] > processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96)

yeah i know i fixed it but can tell me why my items get vanish after some hours from my inventory that would be great help thank you

Keep getting kicked when changing job using Night_jobcenter, any idea’s?

Don’t know, not apart of this template.

ok, thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

why ESX_CommunityService doesnt work on this server- thats my only problem, coz server its super fast and amazing

I found the issue with the job center, the next one is with the mdt, when searching for someone it constantly loads… I would look for the creator and raise it with them but it’s just named mdt and has no creater listed in the readme

If nothing is dependent on it let me know and i’l just add a different one :slight_smile: