[OUTDATED] [PAID] Vehicle Persistent Permanent for all time and +100 players & Vehicle NPC Persistent V1.3

Yes, you enter a car or put its plate number like /makepermanent which will make it permanent and vice versa.

if you want it to be only certain vehicles, you can use the simple triggers I’ve filled in

  • To add a permanent vehicle
    TriggerEvent('harybo_permanent:registerveh', entityVeh, ForgetAfterIsNotRequired)
  • To delete a permanent vehicle
    TriggerEvent('harybo_permanent:forgetveh, entityVeh, deleteThisIsNotRequired)

Update V1.1

  • Fixing vehicles that could be duplicated
  • Added a /track command to track the position of a vehicle

/track plate

This doesn’t list any OneSync requirements/refences. Is it needed?

no need. if there is any need in the tests I do on my server to best fix the problems I encounter. I would warn

Hey there so I just purchased your script and I am having troubles to install it ahah can’t get to register a vehicle. I added your trigger to the ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle function when spawning a vehicle although it does not save it in the file. Also, the download link provided with the purchase referes to an older version of the script apparently. Could I get a hold of the updated version and some help on installing it please ?

EDIT: saving a vehicle in the file using the /car command works fine though deleting a vehicle seems a bit off

EDIT2: When using the Trigger to delete a vehicle, if using TriggerEvent(‘harybo_permanent:forgetveh’, vehicle, true) then the vehicle is not forgotten and keeps respawning. However if using TriggerEvent(‘harybo_permanent:forgetveh’, vehicle, false) the vehicle gets forgotten just fine.

EDIT3: will test it on the /dv function now

EDIT4: For it to work properly, you MUST put a wait time between the moment the vehicle gets deleted from the file and the moment it disapears in game (at least that’s how I got it to work properly)

EDIT5: if using a vehicle customisation script do not forget to uncomment the RGB color props in cl_function.lua otherwhise it will not save the color as intended

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thanks for the feedback, i made some corrections. you normally received a github invitation on the tebex purchase email

Hey there again,

So yeah I did receive an invitation by email though I am getting the 404 error page. Can I dm you with my email to get this sorted ?

EDIT: After talking with @Harybo in DMs, it turns out he is a really nice person I would reccomend buying from him as he is close to his customers and fixes issues really fast :slight_smile: Again GREAT job !!

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Will there be a support for trailers? When “registerveh” a trailer, it will pop up on the spawn location because the script doesn’t update the trailers position, when its hooked up to a car.

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I finish my game and do this

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New Update V1.2

Truck trailers can be saved even when they do not have a truck towing them.
For it to be saved it must be hooked up to a truck at least once

do i still have to register the trailer or does it register it by itself when hooking it up? Btw thx for the quick fix :slight_smile:

no it is registered at the time of coupling


New Update V1.3

  • Added the possibility to only save your vehicle via a customizable command and to delete your vehicle permanently
  • Fix problem with a permanent vehicle that had a trailer attached

It is time to buy. I will buy it once I am home.

Just want to say, that the trailer doesn’t save the right position, if you release it from the towhook and hook it up again. It will always respawn at the first location, where you unhooked it.

I’m correcting that

I have just corrected it but you can test it, I can’t test it because I am currently reworking the whole script to optimize it and avoid many problems

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Not sure where this feature is in the code, is this a future update?

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Ignore that, I hadn’t downloaded the updated version from my email, my bad x

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