[OUTDATED] Import/Export DLC on server!

just delete the models and textures directory, it will just say you “could not find the model” if you try to spawn them.
@SmokeyKatevin it’s an addon already.

Ok nice job dude. :grinning:

perfect ! very nice job man, I waited for this kind of pack!

I Know that, i just wanted to know if He had ALREADY removed them so i wouldn’t have to check every single one.

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And the ruiner 2000 is op for GTA RP ?

I know whats wrong with the Ruiner, and why some cars crash the game,. It’s this:



That is the animation set used on the car, its not included in FiveM, so change it to what the default Ruiner uses:


This will fix a lot of your cars by using animation files that are similar to native cars.

Also, use default weapon hashes for vehicle weapons, there are plenty that could replace the Ruiner’s weapons.

My guide will help you if needed: [How-To] Create/modify your own add-on car

And feel free to ask questions, I will help solve problems when ever I can.

DON’T forget to change the flags in the vehicles.meta to get rid of the ones that are not supported:


lol, already tried it some months ago, didn’t work

… Mine is working just fine… in fact I think i still have that resource lying around.

Then it would be really nice if you could release it or comment it here.

I think I got the ruiner working, I had problems with the phantom, that the half of it was invisible

It doesn’t have any jumping or cool things, but it still has weapons.

Also too, i didn’t work super hard on it, it just happens I was helping someone else, so the dials don’t work and stuff. But, what I can do, if I give you the fixed Ruiner meta file entry, you can just plug it in:

      <animConvRoofWindowsAffected />
      <scenarioLayout />
      <FirstPersonDriveByIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.055000" z="-0.005000" />
      <FirstPersonDriveByUnarmedIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.100000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.030000" z="-0.020000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.030000" z="-0.020000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByRearLeftIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonProjectileDriveByRearRightIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByLeftPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByRightPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.055000" z="-0.005000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByRightRearPassengerIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByLeftPassengerUnarmedIKOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonDriveByRightPassengerUnarmedIKOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.100000" z="0.000000" />
	  <FirstPersonMobilePhoneOffset x="0.201000" y="0.160000" z="0.528000" />
      <FirstPersonPassengerMobilePhoneOffset x="0.151000" y="0.101000" z="0.473000" />
      <PovCameraOffset x="0.000000" y="-0.265000" z="0.660000" />
      <PovCameraVerticalAdjustmentForRollCage value="0.000000" />
      <PovPassengerCameraOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.030000" />
      <PovRearPassengerCameraOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
      <shouldUseCinematicViewMode value="true" />
      <shouldCameraTransitionOnClimbUpDown value="false" />
      <shouldCameraIgnoreExiting value="false" />
      <AllowPretendOccupants value="true" />
      <AllowJoyriding value="true" />
      <AllowSundayDriving value="true" />
      <AllowBodyColorMapping value="true" />
      <wheelScale value="0.245600" />
      <wheelScaleRear value="0.245600" />
      <dirtLevelMin value="0.000000" />
      <dirtLevelMax value="0.700000" />
      <envEffScaleMin value="0.000000" />
      <envEffScaleMax value="1.000000" />
      <envEffScaleMin2 value="0.000000" />
      <envEffScaleMax2 value="1.000000" />
      <damageMapScale value="0.300000" />
      <damageOffsetScale value="0.300000" />
      <diffuseTint value="0x00FFFFFF" />
      <steerWheelMult value="1.000000" />
      <HDTextureDist value="5.000000" />
      <lodDistances content="float_array">
      <minSeatHeight value="0.852" />
      <identicalModelSpawnDistance value="20" />
      <maxNumOfSameColor value="10" />
      <defaultBodyHealth value="1000.000000" />
      <pretendOccupantsScale value="1.000000" />
      <visibleSpawnDistScale value="1.000000" />
      <trackerPathWidth value="2.000000" />
      <weaponForceMult value="1.000000" />
      <frequency value="50" />
      <maxNum value="10" />
      <trailers />
      <additionalTrailers />
      <drivers />
      <extraIncludes />
      <doorsWithCollisionWhenClosed />
      <driveableDoors />
      <bumpersNeedToCollideWithMap value="false" />
      <needsRopeTexture value="false" />
      <requiredExtras />
      <rewards />
      <NmBraceOverrideSet />
      <buoyancySphereOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
      <buoyancySphereSizeScale value="1.000000" />
      <pOverrideRagdollThreshold type="NULL" />

This is kind of sloppy, so use better weapon hashes (space rocket is fine, since its pretty much the only missiles)

Let me know if this works, if not, I will send over my slapped together test resource.

<Item type="CHandlingData">
      <fMass value="1300.000000" />
      <fInitialDragCoeff value="9.000000" />
      <fPercentSubmerged value="85.000000" />
      <vecCentreOfMassOffset x="0.000000" y="0.000000" z="0.000000" />
      <vecInertiaMultiplier x="1.000000" y="1.200000" z="1.600000" />
      <fDriveBiasFront value="0.000000" />
      <nInitialDriveGears value="5" />
      <fInitialDriveForce value="0.330000" />
      <fDriveInertia value="1.000000" />
      <fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift value="2.500000" />
      <fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift value="2.500000" />
      <fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel value="152.000000" />
      <fBrakeForce value="1.000000" />
      <fBrakeBiasFront value="0.650000" />
      <fHandBrakeForce value="0.800000" />
      <fSteeringLock value="40.000000" />
      <fTractionCurveMax value="2.100000" />
      <fTractionCurveMin value="1.800000" />
      <fTractionCurveLateral value="20.500000" />
      <fTractionSpringDeltaMax value="0.150000" />
      <fLowSpeedTractionLossMult value="0.900000" />
      <fCamberStiffnesss value="0.000000" />
      <fTractionBiasFront value="0.475000" />
      <fTractionLossMult value="1.000000" />
      <fSuspensionForce value="1.900000" />
      <fSuspensionCompDamp value="0.800000" />
      <fSuspensionReboundDamp value="1.500000" />
      <fSuspensionUpperLimit value="0.100000" />
      <fSuspensionLowerLimit value="-0.100000" />
      <fSuspensionRaise value="0.000000" />
      <fSuspensionBiasFront value="0.490000" />
      <fAntiRollBarForce value="0.300000" />
      <fAntiRollBarBiasFront value="0.570000" />
      <fRollCentreHeightFront value="0.500000" />
      <fRollCentreHeightRear value="0.500000" />
      <fCollisionDamageMult value="0.700000" />
      <fWeaponDamageMult value="1.000000" />
      <fDeformationDamageMult value="0.700000" />
      <fEngineDamageMult value="1.500000" />
      <fPetrolTankVolume value="65.000000" />
      <fOilVolume value="5.000000" />
      <fSeatOffsetDistX value="0.000000" />
      <fSeatOffsetDistY value="0.000000" />
      <fSeatOffsetDistZ value="0.100000" />
      <nMonetaryValue value="150000" />
        <Item type="CCarHandlingData">
          <fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult value="0.100000" />
          <fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult value="0.030000" />
          <fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed value="0.600000" />
        <Item type="CVehicleWeaponHandlingData">
            <Item />
          <WeaponSeats content="int_array">
          <fTurretSpeed content="float_array">
          <fTurretPitchMin content="float_array">
          <fTurretPitchMax content="float_array">
          <fTurretCamPitchMin content="float_array">
          <fTurretCamPitchMax content="float_array">
          <fBulletVelocityForGravity content="float_array">
          <fTurretPitchForwardMin content="float_array">
          <fUvAnimationMult value="0.000000" />
          <fMiscGadgetVar value="0.000000" />
          <fWheelImpactOffset value="0.000000" />
        <Item type="NULL" />

there you go

Fixed handling entry

hi possible voltic2 engine activated ?


No, unless the FiveM team finally decides to add native support for the newest updates.

Yeah thanks it works :slight_smile: and it is better than my version.

Is anyone else crashing when trying to spawn the phantom2? The model appears corrupted

Anytime man, any, time.

I dont understand…

Just watch the news on the forum…!
I think rockstar tolerates FiveM , But not that the players take the DLC
I find it totally normal is already very good, It is already good that fiveM is still there

UPDATE #2 COMING SOON ! With the original streamed sounds