OneSync NETWORK error with esx_phone3

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Using canary? no
Windows version: 10
System specifications:
gtx 1070


Operating system: Windows
Artifact version: [1257-48c97f94ea8ddad31c039e066bb2060c5273e8b7/]
IP address:
Resources: esx_phone3
System specifications:
I 7
Intel HD 620


Summary: When I call some one thay can’t here me.
Expected behavior: We should be able to talk to each other via the phone
Actual behavior: When I call some one thay can’t here me.
Steps to reproduce: Idk
Server/Client? Idk maby client
Files for repro (if any):
Error screenshot (if any):
.dmp files/report IDs: Don’t have any.

Any additional info:

esx_phone3.rar (7.0 MB)

Not really a one-sync issue, more so the resource.

But it’s works on my non onesync server

Some scripts need to be re-written to work with one-syncs new scripting features, changes and obviously the player amount from 32 (which is in most scripts, that use it) to 64.

But it’s says in Known issues * Certain script calls from the NETWORK category that operate on the session won’t work or will not have expected results. Please report any of them that you find!

And that’s it’s the only error a get on the script.

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