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To provide valuable feedback for OneSync issues or crashes, please fill out the following template as much as possible.
Using canary? no
Windows version: 10
System specifications:
gtx 1070
Operating system: Windows
Artifact version: [1257-48c97f94ea8ddad31c039e066bb2060c5273e8b7/]
IP address:
Resources: esx_phone3
System specifications:
I 7
Intel HD 620
Summary: When I call some one thay can’t here me.
Expected behavior: We should be able to talk to each other via the phone
Actual behavior: When I call some one thay can’t here me.
Steps to reproduce: Idk
Server/Client? Idk maby client
Files for repro (if any):
Error screenshot (if any):
.dmp files/report IDs: Don’t have any.
Any additional info:
esx_phone3.rar (7.0 MB)