Onesync - Connection interrupted - 260-280 players without hitches (Network)


Operating system: Windows server 2019
Artifact version: v1.0.0.3184
IP address:
System specifications: 1 Gbit/sec, ryzen 9 3900x, 64gb ddr4 ram, nvme ssd

Tested two dedicated server. He does this everywhere. It has been tested at two separate providers. It reaches 260-280 players and timed out with a lot of players.
Screenshot_1 Screenshot_2

etw: 2020-12-17_19-13-21_Rendszergazda.etl (62.5 MB)
Server static: Magyar Szervergep (Recent History) - HetrixTools
Interrupted log video:

What version of ESX are u using ?

Should be the essentialmode, maybe change the citizen.wait() in to a higher or lower number.

Or maybe on the amount of resources you have on the server, you should have not more than 200, for the best performance stay under 150. In my own opinion and experience. As I could saw in the interrupted log video there are many scripts with 0.25 ms and 0.09 ms, the scripts are very badly optimized.

He have problem with datastore, basicneeds and status. from esx framework badly optimized af

server/network hitches seem like some event stuff. 1s stuff would be sync thread.

6.4.2 essentialmode

The error also occurred when the consuming resources were shut down.

What causes this phenomenon? How can we remedy it?

Drop a screenshot from neteventlog

Update essentialmode with new update… fixed server hitch problems

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