OneSync+ and future work on OneSync

Hi, does that mean that for clothing modifications I am no longer obliged to purchase a Patreon?

You still do for EUP

N1 work

New onesync not support for EUP anymore ?

I wanted more than 256 slots for my server, but when I turned on OneSync to check how it works, I ran into a lot of problems.(textures disappear, cars go and NPCs teleport after them, a lot of cars appear in one place at the same time. The airship began to fall.

How to fix it, or if you buy a subscription to patrion, you can make 256 slots, without OneSync, because I didn’t have such problems with vSync

thats what we have been trying to figure out in our server… no one seems to have a “fix” for it as of yet. Some Configs work but some dont, every server is different

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Can you use then for example mumble and ls radio? on free onsync

how did you got it to work?

Hi how are you i bought onesync


yes u can

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


– Minimal tier of Argentum is needed in order to utilize Onesync / Onesync Infinity to its full potential.