🆗 okokVehicleShop [QBCORE][ESX][PAID]

Hello i have a little problem when i want Hire a employed

Do you know why?

Hi, I do not offer support on threads, please send me a private message.


  • The webhook.lua file has been renamed to sv_utils.lua and now lets you change the setVehicleOwned event;
  • 4 events have been added to cl_utils.lua:
    • onMenuOpen - allows you to execute code when the player opens the vehicle shop;
    • onMenuClose - allows you to execute code when the player leaves the vehicle shop;
    • onStartTestDrive - allows you to execute code when the player starts the test drive;
    • onFinishTestDrive - allows you to execute code when the player finishes the test drive.
  • You can now open the vehicle shop menu with the following event:
    • TriggerEvent(Config.EventPrefix..':open', type, id);
  • You can now open the owner/employee menu with the following event:
    • TriggerEvent(Config.EventPrefix..':openMenu', type, id);
  • You can now sell vehicles to the vehicle shops (Config.VehicleShopBuyVehicle) for a percentage of the vehicle’s min price (Config.VehicleSellPercentage);
  • A vehicle can only be sold on a vehicle shop if that vehicle shop sells the same vehicle (for example, you can’t sell a boat in a airplanes/helicopters shop).
  • okokBanking transactions support has been added (Config.EnableOkokBankingTransactions) when you:
    • Complete an order;
    • Buy/sell a vehicle.
  • Added Config.DevMode to allow you to restart the script without losing access to the owner/employees blip (IMPORTANT - only set this to true if you are configuring the script);
  • You can now change the tow trucks models (used for the missions/orders).


  • You can now edit the following ESX events on the config file:
  • onPlayerDeath - Config.onPlayerDeath;
  • playerLoaded - Config.playerLoaded;
  • getSharedObject - Config.getSharedObject.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the vehicle color bug (some people weren’t able to change the vehicle color after purchasing it) - if this happens to you, make sure to enable Config.UseColorID;
  • Fixed the min/max price bug on the vsadmin menu;
  • When you edited the vehicles information (on vsadmin) sometimes it would edit the wrong one;
  • The cancel button of the buy business menu wasn’t working properly;
  • When you edited a vehicle shop owner and left it blank, it would save a empty character on the database instead of a nil value;
  • You were able to buy vehicles even without enough money;
  • Fixed a bug on ESX 1.1 that weren’t allowing to hire employees.
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Great update!

One last thing, just want to make sure that the client event of purchasing/selling or testing a vehicle is not obfuscated. Only that we need to implement a client side export for giving and taking vehicle keys.

Look forward to hearing from you! :100:

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You can already give keys in the sv_utils.lua file.

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  • Fixed sometimes vehicles wouldn’t disappear after ending the test drive;
  • When selling a vehicle, the vehicle would not be added to the stock when the business didn’t have enough money;
  • setVehicleOwned event now passes the vehicle model (id) to be used in some garages;
  • Changed the categories id in the config file;
  • Added the giveKeys event for the test drive vehicle;
  • Added Config.TestDrivePlate in the config to change the vehicle plate in the test drive;
  • If a business is set hasOwner = false and is in the database it’ll now be automatically deleted on the resource start.
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Adding a currency config option should be a must. Kinda sick of having to re-correct it every time there is an update XD

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Beatifull brooo

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will this work on ESX 1.1 ?

Yes, it will.

  1. can this use the qtarget?

2.The script can use in more server or just one?

Not very happy as after purchasing and esuring everything was done per the instructions i cannot use the script. I get the error “Failed to verify protected resource okokVehicleShop” Im met with other customers in the discord with the same issue and the only answers are that we arent using the right keymaster account when indeed we are and can show it. Server Artifacts are latest recommended also. So until the issue with the file protection is resolved id advise not to purchase at the moment. Ive seen replies to others stating you MUST not have brught from the right account thats the only cause but then we can show we have! Ive informed Tebex who replied the exact same response untill i actually showed them the account and now im left awaiting yet another response. Ill update with any outcome for anyone else having this issue…

This turned out to be down to some infected files within my server that were injecting the vehicle shop files on server restart! Issue was not to do with this script at all. At the time the support i recieved was excellent and i was refunded which was quite a surprise too! Now my issues are resolved i will buy it again!!

Hi, the account you have the script on is not the cause of the error, you’re having that error because of the following reason:

Failed to verify protected resource

Files were possibly corrupted during transfer. Ensure hidden files are copied; the .fxap file in a protected resource must be included. Some FTP programs skip these files.

You can see all the Fivem Asset Escrow information in the following link: Introducing Asset Escrow for your resources

Yes, you can, but you’ll need to specify what shop to open on the event, we are also working on a version that will check via the distance, what shop to open.
You can use the script in more than one server as long as the server license key is in the same cfx/keymaster account.

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was downloaded directly to the vps and unzipped…

Would love to see a (cancel) button in the orders menu.
Sometimes taking an order the car does not spawn at the location.

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That’s a feature that will be implemented soon.

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  • Added Config.SetVisibility & Config.SetInvincibility, allows you to set if the player should be invisible/invencible while on the vehicle shop;
  • Added order/mission cancel:
    • Config.CheckForOfflineOrdersEvery, it’ll check every x minutes for accepted orders and if who accepted is offline it’ll cancel the order;
    • Button to cancel accepted orders.
  • Added a way to change the database call events on the sv_utils.lua file:
    • function MySQLexecute (ESX/QB);
    • function MySQLfetchAll (ESX);
    • function MySQLinsert (ESX/QB).
  • Added 2 client events openVehicleShopEventOwner & openVehicleShopEvent to open the shops on other scripts (it’ll check what shop to open through the proximity to the location);
  • Added vehicle variable on the event onFinishTestDrive (cl_utils.lua) so it is possible to remove the keys after the test drive;
  • Added Config.ShowVehicleShopBlip, Config.ShowOwnerBlip, *
    Config.ShowBuyVehicleShopBlip & Config.ShowHasOwnerShopBlip to set what blips are visible on the minimap;
  • Added multiple spawn points for the vehicles, if one is occupied it’ll spawn on the next one, if all are occupied it won’t spawn the vehicle;
  • Added currency = 'bank' to the shops where you can set what currency each shop uses to buy/sell a shop and buy a vehicle, the rest uses the bank account or shop money;
  • Added Config.TestDrive to enable/disable the test drive;
  • Added a way to change the default QBCore = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject() and TriggerEvent("esx:getSharedObject", function(obj) ESX = obj end) to something else (cl_utils.lua & sv_utils.lua);
  • Added a way of checking if the player has a driving license (sv_utils.lua);
  • Added a callback to check if a player can open a shop, this allows for the creating of private shops such as VIP shops;
  • Vehicles now spawn cleaned;
  • When a shop is opened the marker will no longer blink.


  • After changing the vehicle plate you wouldn’t be able to sell it unless it had 8 digits;
  • Fixed bug where you couldn’t open the shop after dying;
  • Sometimes the player wouldn’t be teleported to the bought vehicle;
  • When using the truck trailer for a order/mission the bought vehicle would attach to the truck instead of the trailer;
  • Vehicle not spawning on a order/mission should now be fixed, if the vehicle doesn’t spawn at all it should send the employee back to finish the order/mission.


  • It now passes the shop id on the setVehicleOwned event (was already present on the qb version).


  • config.lua;
  • client.lua;
  • cl_utils.lua;
  • server.lua;
  • sv_utils.lua;
  • scripts.js.

i have this error when i try to stock vehicle in boss menu , i am already but from tebex and connect to my patreon key

Is it compatible with esx_advancedgarage?

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