okokNotify help with paycheck.lua

Hello guys, so i want to change the normal Paycheck notification, to okokNotify, but i just cant figure this out how to add salary in the Notification

Normal Notifcation Code

TriggerClientEvent('esx:showAdvancedNotification', xPlayer.source, _U('bank'), _U('received_paycheck'), _U('received_salary', salary), 'CHAR_BANK_MAZE', 9)

okokNotify CODE

TriggerClientEvent('okokNotify:Alert', source, "Title", "Message", Time, 'Type')

If anybody know this please help me

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I have no idea how okokNotify works, that’s why you should from the author as it is a paid resource.
Anyway, you can try this

TriggerClientEvent(‘okokNotify:Alert’, xPlayer.source, _U(‘received_paycheck’), _U(‘received_salary’, salary), 5, ‘inform’)

I don’t have any idea that will it work but you can always try.

Sadly it didnt work, but thanks for your time and effort

TriggerClientEvent(‘okokNotify:Alert’, source, “Bank”, xPlayer.source, _U(‘received_paycheck’), _U(‘received_salary’, salary), 5000, ‘success’)

Try this should work

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