๐Ÿ†— okokChat [QBCORE][ESX][PAID]

Now it has :slight_smile:

Hope you like it :slight_smile:

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/me and /do and /oop ?

Not implemented yet.

I deleted the usual chat and chat theme and uploaded yours, but for example giveweapon etc. does not work for me

how would i change the advert, ambulance , police etc to show a character name instead of account name?

I didnโ€™t understand the question, it is showing the steam name instead of the character name?

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You should make a code where whole Qbcoreโ€™s old chatMessage event work with your chat. Qbcore mostly uses Deprecated chatMessage events for warnings and stuff.

Iโ€™ve already made it, DM me if you want to merge and share it to others.

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It looks really good

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if you can do a proximity /me command ill be interested :slight_smile:

Soon :slight_smile:

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how can i deactivate in the chat the player joined message?

Send me a private message and I will happily help you :slight_smile:

Do you have this already done? Have you received a response from the author yet? Please shareโ€ฆ

Yes. Author will give you updated version if you ask him maybe.

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Do you need okoknotify for this to work?

Can you also add qbcore example on okokTextUI/okokRequests?

No, you donโ€™t need okokNotify for this to work.

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Ty for the fast response! getting a few of your resources now.

Just need to figure out qbcore for textui/requests :slight_smile:

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I didnโ€™t understand what you mean about textui/requests, if you need help you can privately contact me.

Nice done you save me :+1: