🆗 okokBanking [QBCORE][ESX][PAID]

yes the default ones from esx society accounts that are reachable over the standart Boss menu in the esx_policejob, esx_mechanicjob and so on "DataBase Table = ‘addon_account_data’ "

and another question is your Billing compatible with the Banking? Does the billing come also with a new DB table or does work with the one from the banking?

just want to make sure before buying, hope that’s understandable.

Is the script working with the latest major QBCore update?

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is it possible to turn off the passcode to enter the ATM?

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Transfer to offline Players doesnt work

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I’m working on that.

Maybe in a future update.

To get support send me a PM.


  • okokBanking has been updated to the latest version of QBCore

Can you make it so people can get loans?


Maybe in a future update.

is it compatible with old es_extended?

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Yes, it is.

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Is this integrated with the qb Core bank id system, instead of the custom iban ? For example if I want it to keep using the original bank account number in qb instead of this iban system

Any plans to support the Qbcore bank phone app?

Not yet.

when i withdraw the money have problem i use es_extended 1.1.0

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If you need help contact me through PM.

Will this work with bank transfers for the mobile banking app in qbcore? If not can you provide a guide to change the phone app to work with the new custom IBAN?

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We will release a version that will work with the QBCore IBAN soon.

loans would be amazing :slight_smile: