Null arguments in native events (is this a bug?)


While sending a server event with TriggerServerEvent where one of the arguments is nil, I noticed the succeeding were null too.

Here’s a minimal example:

-- server.lua
AddEventHandler('testing', function(message, arg, arg2)
    print(message, arg, arg2)
-- client.lua
    -- if I add another 5th argument, arg2 is no longer nil
    TriggerServerEvent('testing', 'mymessage', nil, 'foo')


-- console
[       script:test] mymessage  nil    nil

Is there any reason for this to happen?


@gottfriedleibniz did we mitigate this ever?


Also, there was also a person on this forum who said they were going to create a PR for MRV exports>

I just noticed that msgpack is causing this while serializing a list with nil as the latest argument.

--  fivem/data/shared/citizen/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua 
function TriggerServerEvent(eventName, ...)
		local payload = msgpack_pack({...})

Please let me know if you otherwise need help investigating this as I can follow up with a PR.

Tables are packed with the ‘without_hole’ configuration (adopted from MessagePack.lua), meaning arrays with nil values are to be encoded as maps. This generally conflicts with parameter sequences that use table.pack/table.unpack.

I’ve had a fix for this laying around for a while now (see below). However, I was considering moving this implementation directly to the msgpack library (e.g., a special function that overrides the default flags) to avoid the intermediate table creation.

msgpack.setoption('sentinel', false) -- Only allow encoding sentinels (decoding creates nils)

-- Replace nil's in varargs w/ msgpack sentinels
local select = select
local msgpack_null = msgpack.null
local function MsgpackSanitize(...)
    local t = {...}
    for i=1,select("#", ...) do
        if t[i] == nil then
            t[i] = msgpack_null
    return t

-- Usage: msgpack.pack(MsgpackSanitize(...))

I was wondering about the same (patching the event or MessagePack)
I was actually going to suggest something similar, but using two tables: the original table, and nulls, instead of a placeholder since I wasn’t sure it could get mixed up with valid occurrences. Something very drafty:

local function test(...)
    local t, n = {...}, select('#', ...)
    local nulls = {}
    for k = 1, n do
        if t[k] == nil then
            table.insert(nulls, k)
    return t, nulls

And then eventually restore the original null positioning as enumerated arguments.
Anyway, that sounds good to me! Thanks for the quick reaction.