"NS_HouseRobbery: Revamp Your ESX Legacy Server with this Enhanced House Burglary Script [ox_lib] & [ox_target]!"

Hey there, fellow gamers! I’ve got something to share with you. I’ve created a home robbery script for FiveM that’s packed with features and customization options. Let’s dive into what it can do!

First off, there’s a Debug mode. When it’s switched on, you’ll see bounding boxes around objects that the script spawns. It’s a neat little tool for those who like to see what’s happening behind the scenes.

Now, let’s talk about the robberies. You can set a cooldown period between different heists, so you can’t just go on a non-stop crime spree. You’ve got to plan your moves and pick your moments.

And speaking of picking moments, how about limiting your heists to the cover of night? With the Nighttime setting, you can make sure your criminal activities are strictly after dark. You can even set the exact hours when heists can start.

The script also lets you list the law enforcement agencies that will respond to the robberies. It’s always good to know who you’re up against, right?

But the real heart of the script is the Houses section. This is where you can set up each house that can be robbed. You can name each house, set the number of cops needed to start a heist, set an alarm timer, and even set a cooldown before the house can be hit again. You can also set the maximum time to complete the heist, the item used to open the front door, and the point to disable the alarm.

Now, about the loot. Each house has collection points where you can find items or dirty money. The script randomly decides what you get. If the script decides to give you money, the prop changes to a money bag.

So there you have it! This script adds a whole new level of interaction and dynamism to your gameplay. If you’re a server owner wanting to spice things up, this script has got you covered!

Hey, before you go, if any of you would like to lend a hand, suggestions for new types of scripts are always appreciated.









  • QBCore Support;
  • Double Door Lock Support;
  • Make ox_target Optional using 3dtext and Zones;

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 801 |
| Requirements | es_extended (Legacy >= 1.8.5), ox_lib, ox_target |
| Support | No |


Thanks mate! Outstanding work!

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Very good work, but I have this error

Sorry, my bad, i’m gonna push an update just now!

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Check my last release on github, translation has been made for english and italian and a ShowNotification function has been introduced on Config for better undestanding.

You must add your dispatch system on client/main.lua

I’ll add an integrated system when i get more time.

Thank you.


this is awesome! i spent all day looking for a nice house robbery script :smiley: if you get ox target working that’d be amazing <3 also please show a video if possible!

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Thank you so much for your interest. Unfortunately, I am currently in the middle of my university exam period, which is why I must postpone everything until the end of the month.

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no worries man take your time! keep up the good work :smiley:

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really nice and complete robbery

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Qbcore version coming? :smiley: