[NEW VER 2.1] NPC Pickup - pickup prostitutes with network-synced animations - [ESX/QBCORE & STANDALONE] [PAID]

One of the staples of a Grand Theft Auto game… being able to pick up a prostitute and live out your wildest teenage fantasies… of watching the car bob up and down while the camera is locked in place!

With NPC Pickup, the native functionality of being able to pick up a prostitute from GTA V/Online is restored to FiveM.

This includes network-synced animations, ESX and QBCORE support for charging the player money, voice lines, and works with the AI prostitutes that spawn by default around the map. There is a config file included if you wish to add more ped models to the list (instructions are included in the config file).


CODED IN LUA - NO OBFUSCATION - feel free to play with the code as you please

NEW UPDATE - 2.1 - QBCORE support, uses a cleaner notification system, plus other fixes - new video at the bottom of this post

Version 2.1 Update (25th Jan 2023)

  • Added support for QBCORE
  • Tidied up the code a bit to accommodate multiple frameworks (ESX or QBCORE)

Previous Updates < click here

Version 2.0 Update (24th Nov 2021)

  • New notification system that replaces chat commands (though they can still be re-enabled in the config if you wish)

  • Honk your horn to get the prostitute’s attention

  • You must now turn off your headlights fully before the notification will appear allowing you to select an action

  • Car interior light will now turn on when an action is selected

  • Added an extra failsafe that will disband the prostitute if they fail to enter your vehicle within a set time frame (or are no longer alive)

  • Fixed the animation height slightly

  • Added a number of new customisations to the config file:

  1. Toggle whether you want to use the horn to trigger getting in the car
  2. Set how long you have to hold the horn down
  3. Toggle whether to use the new notification system
  4. Set which keys to use to trigger each action
  5. Toggle whether to use the old chat command system
  6. Show or hide chat messages
  7. Set the text shown in the notification system

Version 1.1 Update (26th Jan 2021)

  • Added ESX compatibility - in the config file, set UseESX to true (by default it is set to false). I have tested this with ESX V1 Final only at present. If your player does not have enough money, it will trigger the /getout command (with a different voice line).

  • When the NPC has exited your vehicle, you will not be able to pick that specific ped up again (to prevent them getting out and then immediately being able to be summoned again)

  • Added check to make sure the NPC is alive

  • Added a timer to prevent the 3D text appearing indefinitely above the NPC’s head in some situations (if they flee before getting in the car)

  • Added a number of new customisations to the config file:

  1. Set price of each action (for ESX only)
  2. Set the 3D text (over the NPC’s head when they are walking to the car)
  3. Set the 3D text timer - prevents the 3D text appearing indefinitely
  4. Set the Chat message content

Version 1.01 Update (15th Jan 2021)

  • Changed animation blend time so the npc moves into position more naturally
  • fixed npc fleeing when /getout command was used - the npc will now get out of the car normally and wander off

Version 1.02 Update (19th Jan 2021)

  • Streamlined the code and removed some unnecessary bits for the relationship groups
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the NPC from getting in the vehicle

How to use:

  • Drive up next to a prostitute, fully stop the car, then honk the horn. They will walk up to the car and get in.
  • Now drive away and find a secluded area. Once you have fully stopped the car, and turned off the headlights (fully), a notification will appear in the top-left of the screen instructing you which key to press to start each action. If using ESX, it will also show the price for each action.

A couple of things to note:

  • you must be in a car (i.e. not a bike, boat, plane, or heli) - this is based on vehicle classes
  • front passenger seat must be free
  • the prostitute ped has a relationship added that makes them an ally to the player, so if you get out of the vehicle, they will follow you around until you use /getout (this is to stop them from fleeing/using other scared ped behaviours)
  • while in an animation, you will not be able to drive the car (hands may be a bit busy!)
  • the interior light will come on when an action is selected
  • the headlights must be turned off for the notification to appear


(NEW) Video example here (semi-NSFW obviously) - have to use Gdrive now that streamable requires registration:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 250
Requirements None (Standalone), or ESX
Support Yes

Very nice script bro :laughing: I wish everyone who buys it a good time :smirk:


Here is a more in depth, Optimised and free system, I’ve used before, Can y’all start making things that are generally unique?


HAH I was waiting for this comment. You will see that the sawu mod is client-side animation only, which kinda defeats the point on an RP server. It also requires you to go to the ‘pimp’ and spawn a prostitute, as opposed to being able to interact with all of the ones that spawn naturally in the world.

I priced this to reflect the amount of time it has taken to develop… you don’t have to purchase it bud. No hate though, I fully expected some snarky comments


Not snarky but it’s the principal their are things exactly the same, Wow you have sync a NPC’s animation?

This isn’t hate but constructive criticism


I mean… saying “Can y’all start making things that are generally unique?” isn’t really constructive criticism. (There isn’t anything constructive there)

And yes it is fairly unique to have network-synced animations… there are no other prostitute scripts on here that feature that, or that allow you to interact with NPCs that are already spawned natively by the game. Believe me, I checked out the other ones first. They rely on spawning a ped via the client, which is typically riddled with bugs such as spawning the same ped over and over based on how many players are in the server. (example: [Release] Hookers [Early Version] [Standalone/VRP] - #95 by Progje - Releases - Cfx.re Community)


You 100% sound like a hater, lol.


I mean synced animations is better than what you came up with so stop hating.


Good script but… £36 GBP holy crap lol.

I get it took some time but with purchasing scripts people look at it as the functionality makes the value not the time really…

I would buy this as it’s good, I love how you can drive up to random prossies and get em going but I just cannot justify that price for that and synced anims.

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Following some discussions I have reduced the price. Also working on 1.01 which should be ready soon with some code cleanup and improved animation fade in/out times.

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Please keep all discussions on topic, concerns about paid topics can be directed to the moderator team directly or on another topic.

If you have questions about the Tebex system or with the resource being illegitimate, stolen, copied or something else please flag it and explain to the moderator team.

Thank you.

*Make it so you can pick the commands also that way we can rename to them to something not so blunt in chat for people to find so easy.

*ped list it uses also.

*Money system for sure. Doesnt need to be tied to any systems but a way for us to add a code to it for money and a config choice on to use it or not. That way if you call her in the car and have no money she will leave.

*Maybe a open sided function so we can add it to are health systems for STD and other hooker things lol.

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I take back most of what i said as the code is open. Thank you for not locking it down

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Welcome! I figured it would easier to let people tinker with the code, then can put forward any other suggestions or fixes that I may have missed.

Thanks for the suggestions - to point 1. I did originally have it running in a loop listening out for key commands, but it was a bit buggy and the prompt wasn’t spawning correctly so I set it back to a chat command, though I will continue to try and have it work that way.

And to point 2. this should hopefully be an easy fix so will take a look at it now

Version 1.01 Update

  • Changed animation blend time so the npc moves into position more naturally
  • fixed npc fleeing when /getout command was used - the npc will now get out of the car normally and wander off

You can use the same download link to get the updated version - it is only the Client.lua that has been updated so no need to replace all of it again.

When ever i do the command they just freeze when the 3d text pops up. but if i tell them to getout and my friend does it to the same one they get in the car for them but they jump out every 5 sec in fear but then get right back in lol

Strange! Did you have it working before the 1.01 update, and it has broken after the update? Or is this the first time trying?
EDIT: will PM you to save clogging up this thread

Is this resource obfuscated or written in C# with locked source code? If so, consider adding it to the description for increased transparency!

No it is all standard .lua, no obfuscation

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