NovaKingsRP | Serious Roleplay | Active Staff | Whitelisted Jobs and Factions | Custom Scripts | QBCore

NovaKingsRP was made to be a chill place where people can join and lose themselves in an immersive world with a friendly community, No matter if you are a Criminal Scumbag or just a City Dweller NovaKingsRP has a place for you.

Join us here at NovaKingsRP! We are a small community of experienced Role players most with around 1200 hours! We have active developers who are constantly working on bugs and improving the server every day. We run off of QbCore but have a lot of custom scripts and plugins, also we have custom drugs and addon cars! We also have custom whitelisted jobs and factions which you can apply for. Soon to have player-owned businesses! NO IN GAME PERKS FOR DONATIONS! MUST BE 16 YEARS OLD TO JOIN!

:hammer_and_wrench: SERVER IN BETA :hammer_and_wrench:

:policeman: LSPD/SASP & EMS hiring :ambulance:

:innocent: Friendly staff!

:tshirt: EUP 9.4

:gun: Custom Drugs/Gangs/Scripts :raccoon:

:hammer_and_wrench: Active development and community input :hammer_and_wrench:

:moneybag: No Pay to Win

Join us Today!


Now with an expanded development team and major updates in the works!

This server has been the most welcoming experience I have had on FiveM. Great staff, if you need help, they are there within seconds around the clock no gaps in coverage. Always working to improve everyone’s immersion and let me tell you what i have seen so far from this server, its one you do not want to pass up. so come on in and have some fun with us!

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Great staff and community. I’ve only scratched the surface but I like it already. Solid RP from all members and features in the server are of great quality. Will always recommend it.

I have played in many servers but here i found my home