NodeJS / JS (Client side) help Citizen.XXXX

Hello all. I am wondering if anyone knows of any way to access the Citizen. functions and natives. Take this code for example:

onNet('BASE:ReceiveConfig', function(cfg) {
  Config = cfg;
  var id = GetPlayerServerId(GetPlayerPed(-1))
  setImmediate(() => {
    Citizen.InvokeNative(GetHashKey("ADD_TEXT_ENTRY"), 'FE_THDR_GTAO', Config.Name+'ID: ~w~'+id)
    SetAudioFlag("LoadMPData", true)
    SetAudioFlag("WantedMusicDisabled", Config.DisableWantedMusic)

I currently get this error:

^1Error: Unhandled error: TypeError: Citizen.InvokeNative is not a function
TypeError: Citizen.InvokeNative is not a function
at setImmediate (client.js:36:13)
at Object.callback (citizen:/scripting/v8/timer.js:56:6)
at onTick (citizen:/scripting/v8/timer.js:80:27)^7

Does anyone know how to get around this?
Update, I was a little stupid. See answer for anyone else’s reference:

… just use AddTextEntry directly, wtf?

is the Citzen.InvokeNative function implemented in JS? I’ve been trying to figure out how to use this with no success…

Citzen.InvokeNative → Citizen.invokeNative