New version of essential mode breaking esx-kr-advanced-shops

Hi seems to me essential mode is trying to bring up parts of esx shops, and causing conflicts with -kr-advanced-shops. if i remove both shops from server cfg the blimps for the shops still appear at the till.when i try run advanced shops it crashes

Did you try contacting the resource author of esx-kr-advanced-shops about this?

i have but works perfectly fine with old version

im getting this

The shop has been working perfect for me until last night. I can’t take items out of the shipment anymore. I’m using 6.1.0 essential mode. I have not updated the latest version but still having this issue.

Hi, with old version you mean old version of esx-kr-advanced-shops or essential mode?

I just found esx_kr-advanced-shops so do not have to old version

new version of essentialmode breaking the shops