New server Space Bound RP WL

Space Bound RP WL

Welcome to Space Bound RP WL our server has to offer the newest of scripts and activities space bound is a esx server, we built this server for people that want to Rp and grow as a streamer and we give people the opportunity to have creativity over there rp.

We were inspired to build our server the way it is because we wanted to give people a home we took ideas and dislikes and compliments and complaints to better our server for our community.

With that being said we have an amazing staff team that works together to make sure your experience is known and valued.

What we have to offer is a great opportunity to Rp as whatever you choose for example we have any and all city jobs, to businesses you can run or work for, to being a hitman, EMS, PD, firefighters, oil rig, mining, farming, and or take the other route and be a criminal.

If the criminal life is what you are seeking we have plenty of opportunities for you and your members from multiple ways to make drugs, heist, robberies, to turf wars.

Black market is another example that we have to offer the black market has exclusive weapons that you purchase with black diamonds you could use this to take advantage of your enemies or use the diamonds to sell to other people within the city.

Businesses is a great opportunity to create a name for yourself any and all businesses are operational from a gas station to a restaurant, mechanic shop, casino and so much more.

When it comes to housing we have the best housing system your able to turn anything into a home if you can’t find the right building for you that’s fine we can place a house anywhere you would like and watch it be built. You can decorate the inside and the outside of your property same goes for your mlo or businesses.

:point_down: The fun stuff we have for you is



•paint ball


•prop hunt







And so much more

:100:Other things the city has to offer is

Getting married/ divorced

Owning pets(interacting with them)

Contracts to buy or sell your car

Scooter rentals

Collecting material(use or sell)


Repair benches

Different types of drugs/drinks (moonshine, peyote, whippets)and more

Your stats (T/mystats) working out,showering makes you faster and stronger

Custom chains

Custom clothing

Custom tattoos


Working for ems is a great way to get to know the community and have great experiences in ways others can’t possibly imagine

You are able to operate on players removing there organs and so much more if you wanna practice you can work on the locals

We do have AI that will come pick you up if ems isn’t clocked in.

If your clocked into ems and no players have went down you are able to drive around and pick up the locals to make a few extra bucks

We have two locations open we have ocean gates and the one in Palito


Working for PD is a great way to keep the city safe and engage in the community,

You are able to create a hole investigation with setting up props the block off the crime scene, setting up cameras, picking up ammunition or even pulling it out of body’s, setting up speed traps, your able to track vehicles, watch your officers body cameras, K9s, and If you ever get down time your able to pull over locals to make a few extra bucks and so much more.

We hope to see you in the city of Space Bound RP WL join the discord to start your journey today