New qb-inventory edit

what sucks is when u are in a car you can not give your id to a cop bc there is no give option is there a way we can add that somehow?

would love this reskin for ox inv

hey when you drag the items to the drop zone. it open floor inventory . I want if player open inventory it will open too

test this replace it in app.js maybe fix that

handleMouseDown(event, slot, inventory) {
            if (event.button === 1) return; // Skip middle mouse
            const itemInSlot = this.getItemInSlot(slot, inventory);
            if (!itemInSlot) return;
            if (event.button === 0) {
                if (event.shiftKey) {
                    this.splitAndPlaceItem(itemInSlot, inventory);
                } else {
                    this.startDrag(event, slot, inventory);
            } else if (event.button === 2) {
                if (this.otherInventoryName?.startsWith("shop-")) {
                    this.handlePurchase(slot, itemInSlot.slot, itemInSlot, 1);
                const otherInventoryHasItems = this.otherInventory?.items?.length > 0;
                if (otherInventoryHasItems) {
                    this.moveItemBetweenInventories(itemInSlot, inventory);
                } else {
                    this.showContextMenuOptions(event, itemInSlot);