Welcome all to East Coast FLORIDA ROLEPLAY! The newest addition to FiveM. Formerly SoFLO RP, I have completely changed the server to an amazing piece of work. We offer so of the most extensive law enforcement vehicle lines and civilian car lists in all of fivem. FHP and PBSO have a COMBINED 183+ MARKED Vehicles, 78+ UNMARKED. From our atvs to our 3 Police boats, 3 mobile command centers, marked super cars, parking enforcement and the list goes on and on. WAY TOO MUCH to list everything here. We run a combination of ELS and NON ELS, with some of the most advanced non-els vehicles money can buy. We welcome new LEO and Fire for ages 16+ but will find a place for younger people based on maturity.With that said, you must come in to see what I’m talking about. I attempted to create the most clean and realistic HUD. 50+ Planes to be used for roleplay. I aim to make the most realistic environment possible so please bring your best RP.
Currently, I am the only staff member so bans only go through me to prevent issues with wrongful and biased bans. All of our current members are over the age of 18 so please act accordingly.
I know there is still a lot i,m not mentioning here but take a gander, you’ll be glad you did!
Hope to see you there.
We have PLENTY of law enforcement and are now in the process of looking for older, mature RPers for CIV. Preferably over 18, as required for LEO. Jump on, and let us know what you think. Thanks all, see you in ECRP
coming soon to East Coast Roleplay Florida RP… Miami Dade Police Department!
Now recruiting:
Department Heads
Field FTOs
Requirements: 15+ accepted. 18+ recommended.
All Department Heads 18+ ONLY NO EXCEPTIONS!
ALL FTO’s must have advanced knowledge of Florida Laws and Statutes.
This community looks really good just looking at the post, but I’m only 13 and I want to join LEO, I know what I am doing and I’ve been doing LEO RP’s for the past 4 Years and I’m mature do you think I can still apply?