New bridge update

For the bridge you should allow server owners to enable/disable certain aspects on it or at least just edit things such as the camera angle and scenery. I like the idea behind it though.

If you put

loadscreen_manual_shutdown 'yes'

In your resource manifest of your loadingscreen resource then it wont show the bridge, but you have to manually shutdown the loadingscreen then in a client script


Yes I am aware of that, What I am talking about would be a dedicated section to edit it, not entirely remove it as It is a good feature, that’s on me should have went into more detail on my topic.

Would be cool having it configurable in server.cfg or some other way cause it does look cool, but if you want to completely remove it you would just need a code like this in your loading screen

        if NetworkIsSessionStarted() then  
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Do i need to use that code only or that code and the resource manifest too??

Resource manifest as well, but you need a event handler for LoadingScreen:close to set NUI Focus as false also :smiley:

So the full solution is??

@Vulkan this would be the “solution”. If you don’t own a server then you’re out of luck.

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That is a partial solution that leads to infinite loading as a result of the load screen not turning off once the game starts.

Explaining what this means would be a complete solution.

My manifest leaves little room for improvement:

description ‘e’

loadscreen_manual_shutdown ‘yes’

files {

loadscreen ‘load/index.html’

What else do I need to do?

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