[NEW] Advanced Hunting | Levels, missions, baits, calls, stores, zones & more!


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Time to get the beers, the boys and the trucks. Weā€™re going hunting!


Like always RX has the best script

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this RĀ°X

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Awsome scipts !!

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The Advanced Hunting Script by RX Scripts promises an immersive hunting experience in our servers.
Whether youā€™re a seasoned tracker or a novice outdoors enthusiast, this script aims to elevate your hunting adventures.
Iā€™m in love with every feature of it
Customizable Hunting Zones,Realistic Animal Behavior, Animal Tracking System, Campfire Cooking, Integrated Shops and Missions
Players appreciate the scriptā€™s depth and attention to detail. just to name a few of those amazing features,
If your server aims to provide a realistic hunting experience, the Advanced Hunting Script is a valuable addition.
Happy hunting! :herb::gun:

Looks great!

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One of the best hunting scripts Iā€™ve ever seen. Nice!

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Awesome update to any hunting script

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another solid release! well done gamers!

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A well-developed script. Mixed with a camping script, this will be a real treat to hunt :hot_face:

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Advanced hunting script, great work, hope to add more features in the futurešŸ”„

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nice script

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So cool!

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I really liked the script :fire::fire::fire:

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Everything is good, except these random hunting props showing up in leigon square all the time?

edit - Opened a ticket and was fixed within 5 minutes W support! (remove sign8.ymap if anyone else runs into this)

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