Need help with inventory!

Soo i added a new inventoryhub and it works but I don’t know how I can stop the old one .
The old one is esx_addoninventory {the defaults}

I assume when you press F2 you want the Esx one to stop opening.

Line 419 to 429 es_extended/client/main.lua
You want to comment out this line of code or just delete it.

	while true do

		if IsControlJustReleased(0, 289) then
			if IsInputDisabled(0) and not isDead and not ESX.UI.Menu.IsOpen('default', 'es_extended', 'inventory') then

man thank you, I had the same problem and did not know how to solve it. I appreciate it a lot !!

I take this opportunity to ask you, how can I put new icons on the images of the articles?

Just take a png picture and make it size 128x128. Then put it in html/img. Dont forget to go into __resource.lua afterwards and type it there aswell.

Or perhaps you ment a Icon on the image

All right Thanks!!