Need Help With Installing A Hud

Hello there, Im currently developing a new server and im trying to install a custom hud. I’ve looked on Youtube and searched through the forums here and found some ‘fixes’ but after trying all none seem to work and some even seem to break more things.

I’ll leave an image below and you can see what is happening once I try and install this hud, it shouldnt be out of the cirlce you can briefly see and ive started it in the server.cfg file aswell and even tried restarting the basic needs and status and clearing the caches too. Legit tried so much but it is happening with every hud I seem to use, circle and rectangle huds and everytime I try undo it it just breaks my mini map fully and I cant seem to fix it!

Since you are using that HUD i assume you paid for it so ask the author

:world_map: Core Hud - Oval radar/map, Clean design, Use stress or voice or id - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Community

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If u want support then join the dis cord and provide info of purschase. No purschases under Nxthe tho…

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