Need help Port Forwarding my server (Help)

Hi, Iam having issues Port Forwarding and was wondering if anyone could help me fully port forward my server? Thank you.

You can use the infamous to find out exactly how to do it on your router. As for what ports to port forward, if you didn’t change the default ports in your server.cfg, you’d be opening up:

  • a TCP port at 30120, and:
  • a UDP port at 30120.

here is my video on it

I tried but it didn’t work.

did u watch it steup for step

It’s possible your ISP blocks the default ports (or the ports you set). You can also double-check it’s port-forwarded properly via Can You See Me?. Also, make sure your firewall (be it UFW, FirewallD, Windows Defender, etc) is allowing those ports outbound as well.