Need help: can I make a game-like full screen overlay menu?

Hi there everyone!

My friends and I love 5m! What we don’t love, however, the huge amount of conflicting menus, overlays and methods of passing information along to the user that are brought in with the various resources I install on the server. Often, using the menu on one resource (like typing in vMenu) will trigger other menus popping up via text input and we end up starting a mission, typing in chat and other things while entering a car we want tos spawn.

We all wish we had a retail-like menu(the one you trigger with ESC). One that could control most if not all of our resources and that would allow us some space to explain what’s going on with a picture, if desired. A dark translucent overlay to make the game experience less distracting and allow the user to see what’s going on the the menu are all things that I’d love to see.

I’m fairly proficient in HTML and CSS. Is this something I could use to create such a menu for the game?

Does anyone know of a resource that I could look at that might give me an idea of how to create a hotkey enabled overlay would work?

Thanks for your time!

something may help

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