Need a script where I can do like /extra lspd and turn on SPECIFIC extra's

Need a script where I can do like /extra lspd and turn on SPECIFIC extra’s.

I tried everything but I just can’t find it. I only want the following extra’s to turn on: 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10.

Please help! Thanks.

RegisterCommand("sahpcar", function(source)
        local ped = PlayerPedId()
        local veh = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false)
            if source > 0 then
                    SetVehicleAutoRepairDisabled(veh, true)
                SetVehicleExtra(veh, 1)
                SetVehicleExtra(veh, 2)
                SetVehicleExtra(veh, 4)
                SetVehicleExtra(veh, 5)
                SetVehicleExtra(veh, 10)

                SetVehicleAutoRepairDisabled(veh, true)

end, false)

Thanks but this is a menu. I need something where I can just type 1 single command and BAM turn on a couple of specific extra’s (1,2,4,5,10) these are the extra’s for my police car lightbar, push bar etc.

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