Nederlandse Radio // Dutch Radio

agreed, this is a damn scam…

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A lot time? Ok :joy:
Its just copy paste links from online radios and edit the texture of the radio with photoshop.
1/2 Hours of work maximum and you put this at 10 euros? It neither worth 5 euros.

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So now we are sharing things… How long did you have this script? You never shared it, you are just sharing it to be annoying. It’s still not the same, but the people who are stingy can use this one, they will thank you. Congratulations.

Well you found a solution, go make it for yourself. Stop posting stuff here if you’re not interested.

Why are you even responding here, it’s a Dutch script. You’re sending different radio stations…

This resource is free on the web… We shared it today just with some Dutch radio stations found free on Google.

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Well, this script has radio stations that are not free, you will not find this on google. But thank you for sharing a free version.

Hey Beau! Yes of course you can make your own very easily for free! You can download a free radio here: Nederlandse Radio // Dutch Radio // GRATIS-FREE

And just add you favorite radio stations in the fxmanifest file :slight_smile:
If you want other icons, then you can edit the /stream/hud.ytd with TextureToolkit


But it’s not even true what you’re saying. I don’t know where you were born in the Netherlands but Dutch people are known as stingy… Don’t lie to people, it’s not nice.

Nope, Dutchies are zuinig/economical

And what ever if we were stingy… I’m trying to make the Netherlands i little bit a nicer country to deal with.

But most important, just help your fellow Dutchy… Ask a lot of money from foreigners, but ask little money from the Dutch

I get your point but why would I ask more from foreigners, that’s not nice for them at all… I treat everyone the same way. If the forum was a better place, I would share things for free too but I know how people are. Almost everything is PAID now on the forum and to be honest I didn’t like that update on the forum. I love to share things for free but I can’t since I do not agree that people are selling stuff here, it was already bad but now it has only gotten worse that we don’t share with each other. To do the right thing is very nice but it won’t fix the problem, if you sell or not it doesn’t change anything.

Hahaha just kidding bro :rofl:

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It is very difficult to understand a joke through the chat. :sweat_smile: Anyways I still get your point about releasing stuff for free, but for some reason, because many people are stingy It doesn’t feel right to share things for free, I mean if it was possible to share free stuff with others that are sharing their stuff too I wouldn’t hesitate to do that.

I understand and i’m not here to bully or anything, but users on this forum are pushing each other to release things as cheap as possible. So when i see something that i can share for cheaper i will do it. Just because this is our hobby and i don’t want FiveM to be a toxc, expensive and non-caring platform. Ofc its not up to me to decide what FiveM should be, but as long as i play FiveM i enjoyed free resources.

We Dutchies like free thing. Kijken, kijken, niet kopen. Gratis vooraan in de rij.

If you create something small, just ask people to donate a coffee. People will do this!

You’re right, and I appreciatie that you’re still doing the right thing. But it isn’t allowed to add a donation link right?

Hmm not on the forum, but you can on Github :wink:

Never thought about that. :sweat_smile: Thank you for the tip.

Same as the other resource, circumventing Tebex