ND Core (v2 just released!)

This is a fairly important step and one that nobody but you can determine whether you did it right or not.

Screenshot the contents of your database and any server errors that show up in your terminal. That will give us a starting point.

@Andyyy7666 I think something with your Sonoran CAD Intergration is messing up… Why is it saying this?

Do you have any idea?

It would help others to help you if you’d provide a small block of code in the area of the error, being sure to denote line 115 in particular.


Last line

You need to download oxmysql from the releases section on github

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I did

Maybe I installed that wrong

Are you sure you’re using a release version of ox? I think I had the same issue pulling from the master branch of Ox and installing a release version resolved the issue.

I deleted the server and reinstall everything and how I have this error and what should the Character set of the file be for the query.sql because rn I have utf-8 set in xampp.

The error you posted a screenshot has nothing to do with your database or an encoding choice. The server is telling you it couldn’t contact the FiveM server due to a refused connection. Ensure your firewall and port forwarding is set up correctly.

ok thanks


  • Bug fixes and optimization.
  • Changes to the database table to support database sync with SonoranCAD.
  • More exports (view the fxmanifest.lua or documentation for developers)

Cant Wait To See The MDT!

Keep Having This Error But I Have SQL Installed As You Can See

Download the release of oxmysql and not the main trunk. The error will go away.

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Leme Try

How Do I Change The Location Of The Priority Status?

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Hello, is this still a work-in-progress, and are updates still being made?

Yes, I’m working on a lot of new updates and addons for this. The new stuff will be crazy.