Natural motion not working?

Hello everyone ,i code in C#, i tried everything possible from the CitizenFX.dll with the class euphoria and nothing happen , i have no effect on my ped no error , just nothing.

So i try directly the same function i made for NM but only with NativeCallFunction but still nothing , then i tried a little code who working on another framework (for be sure my NM message is right) and still nothing.

So i wonder if it’s a bug from fivem.

i really need to know cause i’m spending a lot of time trying make NM work, and i don’t want to spend more time on it if t’s internal error.

Did your client have control of this ped? Got any example code to reproduce?

i’m trying it on my ped (did i have special thing to do for aquire the NM control of a ped ?)

first try i did with the CitizenFX :

Game.Player.Character.Euphoria.UpperBodyFlinch.ProtectHeadToggle = true;
                Game.Player.Character.Euphoria.UpperBodyFlinch.UseLeftArm = true;
                Game.Player.Character.Euphoria.UpperBodyFlinch.UseRightArm = true;

second try i did byt the native :

Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_TO_RAGDOLL, Game.PlayerPed.Handle, 4000, 5000, 1, 1, 1, 0);
Function.Call(Hash.CREATE_NM_MESSAGE,true, Game.PlayerPed.Handle);
Function.Call(Hash.GIVE_PED_NM_MESSAGE, Game.PlayerPed.Handle);  
Function.Call(Hash.CREATE_NM_MESSAGE,true, 1151);
Function.Call(Hash.GIVE_PED_NM_MESSAGE, Game.PlayerPed.Handle); . 
Function.Call(Hash.CREATE_NM_MESSAGE,true, 372); 
Function.Call(Hash.GIVE_PED_NM_MESSAGE, Game.PlayerPed.Handle);

and both try give no result at all , so what i am missing ?
i really want to know is someone able to make it work on fivm.

(thanks for any help)

no one from the staff is just able to say me yes NM work or not for the moment it’s doesnt work with fivem , i just ask this kind of info…

Looks like it doesn’t work.