Native Scalp UPDATE now available as Items for Vorp and RedemRP Frameworks

Native Scalp contains 8 scalp Accessories for you to wear if you enjoy roleplaying as a Native American, you can wear 4 on around your waste or on your head :slight_smile:

if your using the VORP framework you will be able to add these to your DB and the Accessories will be usable items , the script includes an sql file with the item names to put in your DB**

OTHER FRAMEWORKS -simply use the command /Scalp with the corresponding number eg /Scalp 2 and use /DScalp to despawn i am going to be making them into items for you all , but in the meantime you can still use the commands to spawn in the Accessories

Tebex - Macabre Redm | Native Scalp (

check out the video here - Macabre Redm - Native Scalps - YouTube

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