[NA/US] Pennsylvania Roleplay | Discord.gg/rt7yNcvchN | vMenu | Looking for Civilian Director

A deputy chief has been found for the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire. We are still looking for command and supervisors for our LEO departments.

Updated Pennsylvania State Police application

Updated title. Still looking for Head of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police

We are hosting a screenshot competition in our Discord with a prize of a free Silver Tier donation.

Added Mumble VOIP

Added a picture of Pittsburgh Fire’s Medic 14 and Engine 23

artwork_competition2 Screenshot_1 unknown

Added civilian pictures to the thread.

Pennsylvania State Police SERT, Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office SWAT, and Pittsburgh Police SWAT have been released.


Added some pictures to LEO and Civ subcategories

Pittsburgh Bureau of Police is now on hold. Pennsylvania State Police and Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office are still hiring.

Changed title

Now looking for a civilian director! If interested, join our Discord and create a ticket.

Added Bureau of Fire and Sheriff’s Office pictures to the post
