MySQL (EssentialMode)

Yeah, it’s not

You need to put it because you install the MySQL on the VPS so its a localhost, so just put this IP in “bin/resources/essentialmode/server/player” in the login.lua file and the password if you didn’t put it

Okay, i gonna try it !

Tell me if it works !

Thank you very much !!!
But, can you help me for 1 more thing please ?
THANK’S !! :slight_smile:

How can i install this : [How-to][Essential mode] Money System

And thank you 1000 times !

Yep ^^ your welcome :slight_smile:

Me too im here i’m trying to install this. i tell you if it works, well you can actually install it, so you need to open server.lua that is here : bin/resources/example_gamemode/server.lua
Copy that :
AddEventHandler(‘es:playerLoaded’, function(source)
– Get the current amount for the player
TriggerEvent(‘es:getPlayerFromId’, source, function(user)
– Activate the money for the current player

– Send the player some information regarding the money
TriggerClientEvent(‘chatMessage’, source, “SYSTEM”, {187, 235, 42}, “Your money amount is: $” … tonumber(

and paste it at the end of the first “AddEventHandler”
I just explain you the instructions i don’t know if it works i tell you more if i have more informations

Okay, thank’s i tell you if it works.

Doesn’t work, but must we not add this in “AutoStartRessources” ?

May be i’ll try to do really like in the tuto

Yeah, i go to sleep, cya tomorrow !

Are you french ?! :slight_smile:

Hey, yes i am french

Ta trouvé pour le money system ?

Le system de money est déjà intégré dans essentialmode, du moins pour ma part il marche …

Tu tape quel commande et ou pour ajouter de l’argent ?

dans la console rcon quand ton serveur est lancer

setmoney (ton id generalement 1 ou 2) (argent)


setmoney 1 250000

Cool merci :wink: :slight_smile:

Ta de la chance que ton serv marche, le miens s’allume plus depuis ce matin

Tu utilise es_freeroam comme gm ?