Mysql error when phpmyadmin normal function !?

GTA V version? latest
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VPS Debian 9

When I log in to PHPmyadmin everything works and sql files I have uploaded … but still writes empty mysql connection … what i can do now ?
Thank you in advance for your advice! mainly to a person named: TheIndra

problem photo below.

I watched that one person had a similar problem. But he didn’t have it mysql

Did you enter the right mysql host? like by default mysql doesn’t listen on outside connections so you should enter localhost

I’m pretty sure the connection string needs to be at the top. also, you forgot the space on the 1 at es_enable custom data. If that still doesn’t fix it try switching it to localhost


Ok. Thanks you for your help and your time :3 I must get in first position and all function :blush:
@TheIndra Thanks you too <3

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