Mumble voice suggestions (and improvements)

Can anyone give a good conclusion to this topic :sweat_smile:

Its better but:
Still too much reverb in Native Audio in some places.

Also Native Audio cannot be heard outside the game. Not a bug tho, but people like it. For example you are the owner of a shop on a RP server and you have your game minimized it is nice to be notified when someone enter your shop and start talking to you.

Another “not a bug” with Native Audio is that sometime you cannot hear people inside if you are outside even if the door is open. So if you are talking to someone, as soon as he will cross the door frame he will be muted.
But that is only happening on custom MLO (even from good mappers like Gabz or UncleJust)
I would say that 3D with sending range is still the best atm.

Better support for external servers would be nice also. Maybe a convar to avoid disconnecting from built in server to external server.

Which places?

It can if you disable ‘Mute on Focus Loss’ in game audio settings. It’s rather a bug that non-native-audio can be heard.

Then… add correct metadata, or provide some repro so that interiors without metadata can be ignored?

Or you can provide some non-weasel-word information so that things can be fixed?

I’m not even sure which items are still ‘to-do’, everything that can be implemented is implemented and other than that people are forgetting to report back with info on their perceived issues. :confused:

For Example in the Tequilala and interiors in general. Also people talking really close to you sound weird.
Repro coords: -555.33 285.49 82.18

I have found that running SetAudioSpecialEffectMode(0) every frame disable the reverb but it might have side effects. Maybe something to investigate.

For example this pillbox MLO, main entrance at 298.85 -584.64 43.26

I meant voice_use3dAudio and voice_useSendingRangeOnly is best at the moment.

Also I got you a full dump for the client crashes, let me know if I can do something else, I tried to get a repro but I was not able to get one on a local server.

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I would personally love a way to control echo/reverb natively better. The way currently is quite complex if one looks at Nikez’ occlusion repository. Another place to add that has insane amounts of it is the Mission Row Main Lobby in stock gta.

It would be great if we can change the volume calculation from the camera position to the ped position.

Just now it turns out that we hear players not from the first person, but from a certain spirit flying around, with all the consequences such as: the ability to eavesdrop from around the corner, “crackling” when the camera rotates quickly, and so on.

Does any game work like this? Also, for native audio this might be way too much effort since game code is not as picky as you folks and legacy 3D audio is meant to be dead so is not going to get random code that complicates it even more and might break it.



Is that with native audio, even?

Also ‘and so on’, lol.

Does any game work like this?

I unfortunately do not know any games where there is a 3d voice at all :sweat_smile:.

Is that with native audio, even?

Yes. We tried all combinations of configurations, but the problem still persists. This is certainly not very distracting, but it feels. This is especially felt when two players are standing close to each other.

Also ‘and so on’, lol.

I’m talking about gameplay features, not bugs. I have not yet checked how else I can turn the camera to get an advantage.

Voice still has a weird effect on Native audio compared to 3D audio.

If you have Native audio enabled and run the following whilst outside in the middle of the street, it is how voices should sound compared to it without, in my opinion: (if it helps)

	while true do