Multi Character Selection question

Exactly everywhere it pulls that information you’d have to have a check for their “CID” in this case, From what I’ve heard I’m not 100% on it, but I believe VRP is the same way with it?

Yes that is the same as well. So essentially you may as well write your own framework, because the changes you’ll make, would and more than likely break the framework, not even including the other esx mods that refer to cID. Eventually we will write our own framework cause esx has issues.

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I am just not knowledgeable enough to write something that extensive.

Nor am I. It would be a comeplete overhaul of the framework.

Couldn’t you use your CiD to identify everything, and setup 3 characters with different inventories based on your CHARACTER name/id?, just use the CiD to make sure you are the person who has those characters? (Sorry sloppy writing but yeah.)

Sorry I mean steamID. Like I said it refers to the steamID as one character. Esx identity has something to what you say but can not swap skins or inventory etc after making new identity. Cause the framework.

So the check would have to go something like this
Step 1: Get their steam ID
Step 2: Match That Steam ID to their license
Step 4: Wait for whatever CID was selected in the login menu
Step 5: Pulls that CID From the list of CID’s Ill show you a visual example

But again this is just a theory :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly, That would be near perfect… lol…

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It would probably take some time to do with esx, but it’s possible for sure.

Here’s one I made around 2 weeks ago, not for esx though.


exactly, The main issue I have is with the UI and creating the screen you have there Im trash when it comes to that lol

Haha :stuck_out_tongue: It was the same for me two weeks ago, before making this I had pretty much 0% experience with html, js and css. That was the main reason I made this, to better learn how to do that stuff

You don’t get better if you don’t try :wink:

True, I mean HTML and CSS IM gold, but getting the js to work with lua Is a whole different world for me that I will have to dive into and figure out once that is done possabilities are endless I went to college for Web Development so the HTML CSS is easiest for me.

So just going back and forth with the idea, by no means am I trying to be negative and that. I really would like to see multi chars for real, but in esx we would still need to address the license. As currently, you can’t even have a different character on the same license if I use a different steam. The framework shuts it down. So if anyone wants to go ahead with it bare that in mind.
Just a lot of god damn work man. Jesus.

That looks awesome man

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If that’s your problem I’m sure someone can help you on that part. For me it’s the framework adjustment.

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i was kicked out of the discord after a few days, shortly after i saw that its been set to invite only.

We have a bunch of people here for ESX help and whatnot, Even custom coding, The only thing we don’t really discuss for coding is the vRP framework as they have their own discord for that and we don’t want to step on any toes!

That is amazing, could you now make one for ESX :stuck_out_tongue:

Would love to have this (or something like it) for my (non ESX) server. Nice work!

not sure if everyone here knows about this. Works fairly well. [RELEASE][ESX] KASHacters Multi Character