Moderators delete

Yeah i am.

It should be fixed now, try downloading source code :smiley:

Will have a look thank you.

Hi bud, just a quick one but you should also add it so if your in prison, it will respawn you at the prisons infirmary instead of in city. As it wasn’t until my server was populated started seeing crims around the city I just put in prison, turns out that’s why lol.

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Hello, not all the people use the same resource script so I can not do that.

Anyways, I can help you set up this script to work with your prison job, DM me if you need help.

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appreciate this response bro! ill let you know if i can’t sort it myself bud.

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like to learn along the way if you get me

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Hey Infinity, how can i set it up so when you call for help, i want it to trigger a t/help command for the AI Doc

somebody can help to “RegisterNetEvent” the function

function SendDistressSignal()
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
local myPos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local GPS = 'GPS: ' .. myPos.x .. ', ' .. myPos.y
ESX.TriggerServerCallback('gksphone:namenumber', function(Races)
    local name = Races[2].firstname .. ' ' .. Races[2].lastname
    TriggerServerEvent('gksphone:gkcs:jbmessage', name, Races[1].phone_number, 'Ambulance: Dead Person', '', GPS, 'ambulance')


i need this for dispatch with gksphone

If I understood your request correctly, you can simply trigger the action from the /help command in the client side of the id_deathui resource inside the registered nui callback “button”.

We recommend that you ask for help from the creator of the gksphone resource, as we do not own this resource.

Could i get some help registering the net event in esxambulance and then triggering it in death ui? Im using base esx legacy

Can you show me how to turn off the regular death screen ui for qbcore

DM me for all help needed.