So I’m trying to make a quick script that changes your player model by a chat command.
Right now I want to make it change model to “s_m_y_sheriff_01”, but it does not work.
client script:
server script:
Some help would be appreciated.
So I’m trying to make a quick script that changes your player model by a chat command.
Right now I want to make it change model to “s_m_y_sheriff_01”, but it does not work.
client script:
server script:
Some help would be appreciated.
First of all, don’t call SetPlayerModel
in a loop. I don’t know what will happen if you do but, I can assure you it’s not going to end well for the client. Instead, put the code in the event you’re calling (once the model is set, it’s set).
As for changing the player’s model you need to request it and make sure it’s loaded before showing it to the player.
You would have to do something like
while not HasModelLoaded(model) do -- Wait for model to load
RequestModel(model) -- Keep requesting it
Citizen.Wait(0) -- Needed
SetPlayerModel(PlayerId(), model)
You need to register the event as a net event so that it can be triggered by the server then, put the Citizen.CreateThread
stuff in the event handler, like so
RegisterNetEvent("Sheriff") -- Allows the event to be triggered from server
AddEventHandler("Sheriff", function()
Citizen.CreateThread(function() -- Allows us to request model and stuff without causing client to hang
Then, you can add the model logic to the thread. Like so
RegisterNetEvent("Sheriff") -- Allows the event to be triggered from server
AddEventHandler("Sheriff", function()
Citizen.CreateThread(function() -- Allows us to request model and stuff without causing client to hang
while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
SetPlayerModel(player, model)