[MLO] [RELEASE] Cinema Doppler

Changelog about the movie scripts:

[Release] Hypnonema - Media Player Resource (Twitch,YouTube and more) [C#]:

ModelName: brnx_cinema_screen
RenderTarget: cinscreen


["brnx_cinema_screen"] = {
    scriptScreen = "cinscreen",
    max_width = 2560,
    max_height = 1440,
    top = "0",
    bottom = "0",
    left = "0",
    right = "0",
    --job = { "abba", 'offabba' },

    -- i do not recommend scaleform here, the screen isnt flat so it would look ugly.
    useScaleform = false,
    ScreenOffSet = vector3(-6.967, -0.535, 2.821),
    ScreenSize = vector3(-0.009, 0.057, 0),
    distanceToOpen = 7.5,
    distance = 31.0,
    CameraOffSet = {
        x = 0.0,
        y = 0.0,
        z = 0.0,

This is the configurations tested in the big screen map, and is working perfectly