[MLO] [PAID] AmmuNation

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) this_is_a_map
Requirements Version 5181 of the FiveM artifact
Support Yes

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Is this intentional, that the objects fly in the vetrines?

The photo is on my game who is a shit but the glass was here for support the objects, i send you a pic of the glass today :wink:

In the photos, you can see in the vetrines, a glass who suports the objects :wink:
Have a good day

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ah ok nice

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Have to say that while there a bunch of issues with the MLO initially, the designer spent a significant amount of time/effort to fix all the problems. Pretty happy with the MLO, and the support received. Would recommend this one if you want something that’s different than the standard ammunition but isn’t an alien space ship or some weird hunting lodge.

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