[MLO] Apartment / Houses Interiors

Damn, thats a nice shell pack. Could you make a ingame preview video?

check pm

yup tommorow i can record them ingame

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Could you also release furnished versions of this shells? That would be awesome

Are there furnished options?

are these compatible with loaf housing?

lie :smiley:

You can spawn any interior with codewalker just put ymap into it.
Every interior is open there is no missing collisions.

If any1 have problems with shellsv2 write to me pm cuz they are in 3 parts to download, i cant upload it in 1 folder on tebex cuz size of file is too big!

i need the actual names for the shells im us mf-housing and it keeps crashing the script

check pm

I have mf-housing V3, can these be placed as shells with the script, or do need to move them in codewalker?

Never figured it out

they are already spawned under the map like you can see on video, you can move them with codewalker also.

if some1 have any questions just write to me pm n try to call the ybn file instead of the ydr file in your house script with this shells

released with other shells, CLICK

relleased with other shells, CLICK

uuuiiii. I already saw your new post, but thx :heart:

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