Meth cooking like in Breaking Bad [DEPRECATED]

It looks like 1/2/3 is binded to your GTA5 keybind (Now 1=6, 2=5 and 3=4 for me). Is there a way to set a fixed key?

no… gta uses input codes that are binded to keys in settings… if you change keys in settings the input key is changed for scripts too…

great script! thanks for sharing :sunglasses:

Does anybody have a list of links to be able to get this working I have no clue how to add items to a store or even what else I need beside this download can someone better explain this

Do you have a script that works to sell drugs?

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Love this but how can I allow people to cook in Los Santos?
Please respond :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: never mind fixed my issues, script is bloody awesome.

Thanks again!

Edit : For those to lazy to read the files and figure out how to cook anywhere on the map, it is clearly written in client.lua…

						if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['G']) then
							if pos.y >= 3500 then
								if IsVehicleSeatFree(CurrentVehicle, 3) then
									progress = 0
									pause = false
									selection = 0
									quality = 0
									DisplayHelpText('~r~The car is already occupied')
								ESX.ShowNotification('~r~You are too close to the city, head further up north to begin meth production')

Which job requires acetone? :thinking:

how can i change the number of meth that I’m getting after cooking ?
no that good in coding.

look for the + quality and - quality in the configs and change them as suited.


Hello, after done cooking you need to go to the methlab ? And if yes where is it ? Thanks :slight_smile:

depends on the drug script you are using.

I am using the processing and selling from esx_illegal_drugs to do that.

Hi Folks,

Has anyone found a way to do a check for active police to restrict farming?

you could add it in yourself easily.

Hi when I put the sql of your script when entering my server, it bugs and I don’t see the money or the work. Help pls

i am unable to use number key when i m inside the car

Completed how to send GPS for police?

How can i add required cops on the script?

maybe numlock is off?