Maploader [standalone][paid]


How can I remove those IPLs from starting ? Thank you in advance for help

Hi. Those are addons you downloaded. If you want to simply get rid of them, look up the resource responsible and disable it.

I have a question, what about collision, when ymap is unloaded? Lets say i want to load and unload a map manually for a specific ocassion for xx time, when unloaded the collision still there?

Currently, Maploader will affect only collisions that are embedded in either ydr or yft (prop) models. Static collisions are not supported in this regard.

Hi, i bought the maploader and i’ve QBCore updated, but the multicharacter is not loading now… somebody can help me please? I’ve Cayo Perico, Gabz maps and some other map… The multicharacter must load in The Contract office of Franklin IPL…

Sorry for the late reply, I overlooked it.

If it’s still an issue, I’ll need more info. Check your server and client logs for errors.

Although I can’t imagine how Maploader could be responsible for this, since the worse case scenario, if you’d broke the config, the office simply wouldn’t load in, but everything else should work.

How much would you charge to add more maps in?

Hi, I’m not entirely sure what you mean?

You mean to convert ymap files to work with Maploader or creating addon maps from scratch?

If the first, I don’t do that. It’s all described in the description of this topic.

If the second, you can submit your request for addon map below

Does this work for all Gabz resources? We are Gabz subscribes and have got very minimal support from Gabz’s Team about Rockstar Editor crashes.

Essentially, Maploader works with any map resource, encrypted or not.

As I wrote in the description, I can’t guarantee your server won’t crash Rockstar editor, if you have who knows what mods in it. And also how they’re utilized.

But if you’re receiving “ERR_MEM_MULTIALLOC_FREE”, this should fix it. At least it did for me and other people.

@Drewd1991 You should be aware: most of the Gabz maps will work with this. However, there may be instances where lod’s, slods, texture loss happens due to Gabz’ replacement maps having parents. Once the child ymap is unloaded, that can negatively impact the parent (usually LOD) ymap. We have this in our server and this works great with a lot of the maps in our server, I just advise if you have an interior that is replacing a vanilla interior, maybe don’t add that to this resource’s config.lua.

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That is correct.

You shouldn’t be unloading any ymap that is suppose to replace a vanilla one.

Theoretically, if you’d really want to go on with this, you could - however, you shouldn’t mess around with this, unless you’re absolutely sure what you’re doing!

1) rename replacement ymap file and it’s reference in resource’s _manifest

  • eg.: cs1_downtown.ymap to cs1_downtown_gabz.ymap (this has however may collide with paret ymaps as many children would have to undergo a very tedious renaming and cloning AND then there’s the whole parental structure that can be changed and one can very easily overlook something that will cause issue with the whole LOD structure)

2) to make sure whenever you ALWAYS load one and unload the other!

I also discovered that loading of distant lights with my resource will crash the client. You should exclude distant lights ymaps from this process.

would love to see something like this, just with XML loader like also peds and vehicles possible.

Any tutorial to fix things as archetypes duplications?

Maploader can’t fix duplicated archetypes. It’s up to the server owner to keep track of server files and manage them accordingly.

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