Making the Server Bazaar neater

I did notice that alot of time’s there are people who struggle to find good communities for themselves. So I thought a good idea is to do something like making the server bazaar neater…how? There are many post’s that are “junk” or so it would be nice if you can add a button that says, what kinda server your looking for

Whitelisted l Public
Serious l Not Serious
New Community l Old community
Alot of members l A little bit of members

something like that so its easier to find communities.

Isn’t this what tags are for?

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I do agree that Server bazaar is a hot mess, hence why I have it on mute. Moderating and keeping it tidy from a moderators perspective is really hard (and not pissing people off in the process). There is a massive influx of server opening, shutting down and merging. Also the names of servers make it VERY hard to distinguish between servers.

From my perspective the server bazaar is just a place where people spam their ads with (possible) negligible results, as someone like me would never use the server bazaar, mainly because it’s a mess and 99.99% of the servers are “50 shades of gray” roleplay servers.

Instead of revising the server bazaar forum board, I would personally prefer the web server list encompass some (more) information about the server. The server list already allows you to filter down the results. To make it on-par with server bazaar I’d love to see a “learn more about this server” button to be shown on every server list entry.

Maybe even making the “learn more about this server” link back to a forum topic. Maybe only allow people who’ve claimed a server to make a topic for a server. (claiming by checking against the license key?)
This would yield several benefits:

  • Server bazaar automatically becomes less convoluted. Now that being said, it’s hard to keep a forums board clean when there are like 5000 servers online.
  • One topic per server rules now actually becomes automated, no more people making new accounts to put out an ad, making it impossible for moderators to verify whether an ad for this server already exists.
  • Maybe even an integration with server BOOST :tm: , to sort servers by BOOST :tm:.
  • No more “but that guy doesn’t have the right to post an ad!” type of scenarios, which have occurred plenty of times.

Of course the major set back would be the technical implementation of this. Since having an idea for it is only 5% of the work. Also it’s the question if this is “too restrictive” as you cannot make new topics without having a server.

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